FFC-NMR consultancy service
Literature & Media
3-Tau model: the 3TM software
Resources and literature relating to the development and use of the 3-Tau model are presented.
The 3TM software citations are:
Rémi Kogon & David Faux (2021) 3TM: fitting software for fast field cycling NMR dispersion data Zenodo at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5774107
Kogon R A and Faux D A, 3TM: software for the 3 Tau Model, SoftwareX, 17, 100979 (2022)
The 3TM software is supported by explanatory recordings:
Video recording: The Science of the 3-Tau Model
Video recording: The 3TM Interface
Video recording: The Fitting Process
The following two articles are the key 3-Tau Model sources:
• Faux D A, et al, Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation due to the translational diffusion of fluid confined to quasi-two-dimensional pores, Phys. Rev. E., 95, 033116 , (2017)
• Faux D A and McDonald P J, Explicit calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation rates in small pores to elucidate molecular scale fluid dynamics, Phys. Rev. E., 95, 033116, (2017)
Food & agriculture

• Faux D A, Kogon R A et al, Showcasing the 3-tau Model, Poster, 12th FFC-NMR conference, Cambridge, 2022, included a fit to mozzarella cheese.
Email: drrelaxo@mail.com
• Faux D A, Kogon R A et al, FFC-NMR experiments completed on Comte cheese awaiting analysis. Email: drrelaxo@mail.com

•Faux D A, Kogon R A et al, Examination of Tumorous Murine Tissue Using the 3-tau Model, Poster, 12th FFC-NMR conference, Cambridge, 2022, included re-analysis of tumorous tissue. Email: drrelaxo@mail.com
•Faux D A, Kogon R A et al, paper in preparation. Email: drrelaxo@mail.com
Creams & pastes

• Kogon R A and Faux D A, 3TM: software for the 3 Tau Model, SoftwareX, 17, 100979 (2022)

• Kogon R, Faux D, Assifaoui A and Bodart P, Advanced insight on the water dynamic of anisotropic hydrogels by field-cycling nuclear magnetic resonance: application of 3-Tau Model, Carbohydrate Polymers, 314 120922 (2023)
Rocks & clays

• Faux D A and McDonald P J, Explicit calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation rates in small pores to elucidate molecular scale fluid dynamics, Phys. Rev. E., 95, 033117, (2017)
• Faux D A and McDonald P J, A model for the interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice dispersion measurements on mortar, plaster paste, synthetic clay and oil-bearing shale, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 269, 39-42 (2018)
Cement & plaster

• Faux D A and McDonald P J, Explicit calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation rates in small pores to elucidate molecular scale fluid dynamics, Phys. Rev. E., 95, 033117, (2017)
• Faux D A and McDonald P J, A model for the interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice dispersion measurements on mortar, plaster paste, synthetic clay and oil-bearing shale, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 269, 39-42 (2018)
• Faux D A, Kogon R, Bortolotti V and McDonald P J, Advances in the interpretation of frequency-dependent nuclear-magnetic resonance measurements from porous material, Molecules, 24 (20) 3688 (2019)
• Kogon R A and Faux D A, 3TM: software for the 3 Tau Model, SoftwareX, 17, 100979 (2022)
• Rusu MM, Faux D, Ardelean I. Monitoring the Effect of Calcium Nitrate on the Induction Period of Cement Hydration via Low-Field NMR Relaxometry, Molecules. 2023 Jan 4;28(2):476

• Faux D A, extensive analysis of methanol-imbibed silica material with separated OH and CH3 protons completed but unpublished. Collaboration with University of Cambridge on a commercially-sponsored project . Email: drrelaxo@mail.com
Aqueous ions

•Faux D A, Rahaman A A and McDonald P J, Water as a Levy rotor, Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 256001 (2021)
•Faux D A, Rahaman A A and McDonald P J, Nuclear spin relaxation in aqueous paramagnetic ion solutions, Phys. Rev. E, 107, 054605 (2023)